Plant Alabama Church Planting Partnership
The MBA partners with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions to provide assessment, coaching, and other support to our River Region missionaries serving in new church plants and replants.
Pastor Care Network
The MBA is constantly searching for ways to encourage her pastors and their family. Activities such as Pastor breakfasts and fellowships, family night out with the Montgomery Biscuits, Valentine Banquet, and Pastor Wives’ luncheon are a few ways that we connect with each other.
Great Commission Institute (GCI)
The GCI serves as the umbrella behind the multiple education and equipping seminars that are connected with and for our MBA churches. Such events like Lunch and Learns as well as Pastor Round Tables take place on a regular basis, with many topics often surrounding current events. Also, we provide diplomas and other actions of appreciation for those in the MBA who have had significant missional accomplishments.
Revitalization Assist Teams
Church Wellness Strategist John Fleming and team respond to MBA churches desiring assistance with helping a church rediscover her purpose. John also works in partnership with the Church Revitalization office at ALSBOM to provide such consultation.
Replant Evaluation and Consultation Ministry
Director of Missions Neal Hughes and team work with churches that are seeking to transition and need to build an appropriate secession plan for their church facilities and community.
Summer Missions Partnership
The MBA partners with new MBA church plants and replants to assist in the funding and encouragement of the summer missionaries serving in their church field.
SWAT (Spiritual Warriors Attack Team) Prayer Walks
Once a quarter, prayer warriors gather together prior to the Executive Board. Their assignment is to pray over one of MBA’s new church plants, replants, or a significant area of the River Region needing prayer.