The Toy Sale, established in 2009, offers struggling parents and grandparents Christmas gifts for children in their household between the ages of 2-12. They select from brand-new gifts that donors would give their own children. Our target is to bless 150 households with an expectation of 500 children.
Up to 150 families identified as having a need for support and services are selected from clients that came through Love Loud Ministries, The Community of Hope, churches, and local partner ministries to shop each year. All of the children’s gifts are purchased from donations received from MBA churches, partner organizations, and community collections.
Your financial gift today will be used to help purchase gifts for the toy giveaway. We are asking at least 500 individuals to contribute $50 each.
Thank you for your gift!
If you are looking for the volunteer form, it can be found here.
If you are looking to shop the toy catalog, it can be found here.